Meridian Beauty Therapy - Your beauty is an external reflection of your internal health

Meridian Facial Massage

Meridian facial massage fuses the TCM meridian theory used in acupuncture into Western esthetic techniques by massaging key meridian facial points along energy pathways using unique tools for increased circulation, younger-looking skin and overall wellness benefits

It has been shown to improve circulation by 400% and smooth fascia and facial muscles, which lifts sagging facial contours and recontours the face

Activating acupressure points on your face is a great way to support your organs internally

It improves the circulation, evens skin tone and texture to boost radiance

Facial Machine to Improve Efficacy

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Self Facial Massage to Maintian Efficacy

After 'Meridian Facial Massage' and the use of 'Facial Machine to Improve Efficacy', we will show you self-massage technique to maintain the positive effect

Jade Roller or Jade Face Scraper's unique ability to increase circulation under the skin, bringing in nutrients and boosting collagen

An incredibly easy addition to your morning or evening skin routine that takes 5 minutes and will give you a visible lift and glow each time

Balance Organs with Chinese Herbs

Chinese medicine recognises that facial beauty is linked to the organs in this way – the state of your health literally reflected in your face

To enhance the result you get, our experienced Chinese medicine specialist


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Body Liposlim Care

A natural weight-loss and face lifting solution by using a complex vacuum and dynamic pulse technique

provides a body weigh reduction , body forming, cellulite reduction, face lifting, improves skin color.